We’ve paid out OVER 11,100 USD in the year’s shortest month!

By Bitcoin Aliens | Alien Apps | 3 Mar 2020

In February, we’ve paid out $11,100 to our app users! Congrats to everyone who’s been claiming this year, and if you haven’t tried out one of our apps this is the year to start! On average we’re paying out over $2,700 per week so if you want to help us give away even more download the apps below!

Free Litecoin

This month we’ve paid out 70.85LTC to our users - or over $5,100! We averaged paying out $1,275 per week in February!

Free Litecoin Jackpot

Free Bitcoin Cash

On Free Bitcoin Cash we’ve given away a great $5,400 to our users in BCH - a total of 13.5BCH given away in January! On average this comes to just under 3.4BCH per week!

We’ve also now paid out, in total, 326.45 BCH! This is worth at the time of posting over $100,000! Our Free Bitcoin Cash app has been going since February 2019 so in just one year we’ve paid out 6 figures’ worth of BCH!

Free BCH Jackpot

Free Bitcoin / Alien Run / Blockchain Game

As always, we pay out less across our BTC apps. Unfortunately this is due to using the CoinBase API to pay out, which requires a higher minimum payout than our on-chain payments for LTC and BCH. This month we have given away just over 0.1BTC, which equates to $1000 in BTC given away this month. 

As always you can download all of our apps right here and start earning in BTC, BCH and LTC!

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Bitcoin Aliens

We make the best free crypto apps: Free Bitcoin Alien Run Free Bitcoin Cash Free Litecoin (coming soon!)

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