Free Bitcoin Cash BCH Faucet Mobile App (on Android and iOS)

By Bitcoin Aliens | Alien Apps | 26 Aug 2019

Earn Free Bitcoin Cash with the Most Popular Mobile App from Alien Apps

Currently the TOP result for Bitcoin Cash in the Google Play Store, this is our most popular and HIGHEST PAYING app. Don’t need to hear any more? Download it here

Need a wallet for your Bitcoin Cash? Exodus has got you covered - download for desktop or mobile

If you’ve already downloaded and played Free Litecoin, you know what you’re in for with this game. It’s built on the same premise - we’re giving away Bitcoin Cash through rewards with BIG jackpots and through partnerships with offerwalls that pay straight into your app’s Bitcoin Cash balance!


Just like Free Litecoin, there’s an hourly jackpot claim with HUGE rewards, and you can re-spin for more chances to claim the big prizes. If you run out of spins, you can watch a short ad and keep on spinning. There’s also the bonus rewards where you can spin for more free BCH just by watching a simple, short ad.


There’s also the chance to complete simple tasks through the offer walls in the app and earn a LOT of free BCH satoshi.


On average we pay out $2000 per WEEK to our users!

Ready to get earning in Bitcoin Cash? Download it here today for Android - coming soon on iOS!

Or check out our other apps here

Why Bitcoin Cash?

Firstly, Bitcoin Cash is a very popular cryptocurrency - it currently ranks 4th in market cap according to CoinMarketCap, just ahead of Litecoin and behind Bitcoin itself, Ethereum and XRP. The popularity is due in part to many people seeing it as the future of Bitcoin.

Secondly we picked it as it is a currency that we can easily pay on-chain direct to any Bitcoin Cash address, regardless of what wallet or service you’re using. This is simply not true of Bitcoin at this time due to transaction backlogs and rising transaction fees as a result. Bitcoin Cash is more resistant to this as their block limit is 8mb - 8 times higher than Bitcoin’s.

Because of the higher block size limit, this means in simple terms that more transactions can be verified more quickly using the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, and subsequently means that transaction fees are reduced and manageable even for big transactions. All these features make Bitcoin Cash a great option for new and existing crypto users.

A brief history of Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash started out as a hard fork of the core Bitcoin blockchain. Essentially this created two different versions - Bitcoin (the “classic” version) and Bitcoin Cash - which were largely the same but with some very important differences. For example, Bitcoin Cash has a much higher block size of up to 8mb, while the classic version still only supports 1mb.

This is actually one of the key reasons for the split between the two versions of Bitcoin - the core developers disagreed on what, if anything, needed to be done at a time when Bitcoin transaction fees were totally out of control, making it almost impossible to make any payments over the blockchain without skyrocketing transaction fees.

While the classic version of Bitcoin is still the most popular cryptocurrency by market cap - absolutely dwarfing everything else, Bitcoin Cash has held its own since the split, with a dedicated user base who see it as the “real” way forward for Bitcoin due to being adapted to cope with the rising volume of cryptocurrency transactions.

Download Free Bitcoin Cash here today for Android (coming soon for iOS!)

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