Another great month of payouts - $12,600+ given away & Over $6,700 in BCH Alone!

By Bitcoin Aliens | Alien Apps | 4 Aug 2020

This July we had a great month of payouts - totalling over $12,600! It's not our highest ever month but we're still going strong. If you aren't already claiming with us, why not? Download the apps at the links below or check out our whole suite of apps here

Free Bitcoin Cash

Our Free BCH payouts are still going strong with an excellent 27.85 BCH given away - totalling more than $6,700 in USD! This is a total over almost 7BCH, or $1677, given away each week!

BCH & LTC Payout Amounts

Free Litecoin

We averaged paying out more than 28.5LTC or $1300 given away each week in Free LTC!

This makes for a total of more than 114LTC and $5172 given away just over July!

Free Bitcoin / Alien Run / Blockchain Game

As usual we pay out less on our suite of Bitcoin games - this is due to our use of Coinbase API to keep transaction fees down, and the subsequent higher minimum transactions required here. Even though this is still the case, we’ve paid a fantastic $784 on our Bitcoin apps to our users!

As always you can download all of our apps right here and start earning in BTC, BCH and LTC!

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