Volum (VLM) Airdrop by LATOKEN / Value: 40 VLM (~$11.2) / 4 VLM (~$1.12) per Referral /

By AirdropTurkey | AirdropTurkey.info | 8 May 2019

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Start VOLUM telegram bot and follow instructions listed there (also described below)
2. Follow VOLUM Telegram to get 8 VLM (~$2.24)
3. Follow VOLUM twitter to get 8 VLM (~$2.24)
4. Like and make retweet of sale announcement post in VOLUM Twitter to get 8 VLM (~$2.24)
5. Like VOLUM facebook page to get 8 VLM (~$2.24) 
6. Submit your e-mail in the telegram 
7. Have an account/register at LATOKEN with Tier 2 verification using the same e-mail to get extra 8 VLM (~$2.24)
8. Invite up to 20 friends using telegram bot to get 4‬ VLM (~$1.12) for each. Get a unique URL and send it to your friends. Get your bonuses after they complete tasks from VOLUM Airdrop.
12. For more information about the airdrop, visit LATOKEN official airdrop page.

Project Website: https://volum.io/

Don’t forget to visit our official websitejoin Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops

About Project: 

VOLUM maximizes investment value and stability through its holding company structure. VOLUM invests in portfolio companies that currently possess, or have the ability to easily create, long-term asset value. This offers VOLUM investors diversification across multiple companies and industries. IcoBench: 4.1 /5

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