Ozinex and AGVC Airdrop Round 1/ Value: 170 OZI [$17] + 300 AGVC [~$3.4] / No Referral Program

By AirdropTurkey | AirdropTurkey.info | 11 May 2019

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the Ozinex Airdrop Form
  2.  Register an account on Ozinex Exchange and complete KYC process. (Mandatory: 150 AGVC + 80 OZI)
  3. Join Ozinex Telegram and AGVC Telegram  groups. (Optional: 50 AGVC + 20 OZI)
  4. Like Ozinex Facebook  and AGVC Facebook  pages. (Optional: 25 AGVC + 20 OZI)
  5. Like Ozinex Twitter and AGVC Twitter accounts. (Optional: 25 AGVC + 20 OZI)
  6. Comment on Ozinex BitcoinTalk and AGVC BitcoinTalk  threads. (Optional: 50 AGVC + 30 OZI)
  7. Submit your details to the airdrop form.
  8. For the optional tasks that you would like to skip, enter “N/A” in the related field of the airdrop form.
  9. Your OZI and AGVC will be distributed on the 10th of August, 2019.

Project Website: https://ico.ozinex.io/

Don’t forget to visit our official websitejoin Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops

About Project: 

OZINEX is a global cryptocurrency exchange platform. It will form a new innovative platform to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, EOS and other popular cryptocurrencies and tokens. Users will receive expert analysis of the current state of coin and token pairs, and they’ll be able to withdraw their money easily and receive alerts for scam cryptocurrencies. OZINEX will also have an awesome forum for users to exchange ideas and share experience with likeminded individuals. All of this in one simple yet powerful exchange platform.


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