Opiria (PDATA) Airdrop / Value: 50 PDATA (~$5) / Referral Rank System /

By AirdropTurkey | AirdropTurkey.info | 21 May 2019

Go to Airdrop : https://airdropturkey.info/opiria-pdata-airdrop/

Project Website: https://opiria.io/

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About Project:

Opiria was founded in 2015 and has its headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany. It is a strong partner for different companies worldwide including Fortune 500 corporations. Opiria’s vision is to develop a platform acting as a global decentralized marketplace for the secure and transparent trading of personal data based on the blockchain. On this platform consumers create a passive income stream by monetizing their personal data. Companies can buy personal data directly from consumers to understand their needs and requirements and design products and services that fuel desire. PDATA is rated 4.2/5 on ICO Bench

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