Famecoin Airdrop (FMCO) Airdrop / Value: 970 FMCO [~$15] / 150 FMCO for Referral /

By AirdropTurkey | AirdropTurkey.info | 14 May 2019

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Sign up for the airdrop using FAMECOIN telegram bot. This will lead you through the whole airdrop process! 
2. Verify that you are human via Captcha
3. Join the official Famecoin Channel (670 FMCO)
4. Follow Famecoin on Twitter (200 FMCO)
5. (Optional) Follow them on Facebook (100 FMCO)
6. (Optional) Use your distributed referral link to invite more friends! (150 / referral)

Project Website: http://www.famecoin.io/

Don’t forget to visit our official websitejoin Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops

About Project: 

The Famecoin Dapp is a hybrid decentralized application living on the Ethereum Blockchain that pushes influencers to do what got them the following base in the first place, their passion! Approved influencers who strive to push themselves further in their department are given the opportunity with Famecoin to earn cryptocurrencies doing what they love, without the need of relying completely on third-party companies for branding collaboration opportunities. 


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