Energi Round 2 (NRG) Airdrop / Value: 100 NRG (~$245) / 10 NRG (~$24,5) for every referral /

By AirdropTurkey | AirdropTurkey.info | 16 May 2019

Go to Airdrop : https://airdropturkey.info/energi-airdrop/

Project Website: https://www.energi.world/

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About Project:

Energi significantly improves under the self-funded governance concepts found in projects such as Dash and Smartcash and has one of the largest treasury funds in the cryptocurrency space. Energi aims to introduce and bring cryptocurrency to the masses and opted not to pre-mine and not to do an ICO. Instead, they will conduct multiple rounds of Earndrops to disperse rewards for people who engage with their community.   



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