CMBT TOKEN Airdrop / Value: 10 CMBT [~$7.4] / 5 CMBT for Referral /

By AirdropTurkey | | 13 May 2019

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Start the CBMT Airdrop Bot.
2. Join the CMBT official Telegram group.
3. Join the CMBT official Telegram Channel.
4. Follow CMBT official Twitter page.
5. Submit your ETH wallet address and email.
6. You will receive 10 CBMT tokens.
7. You can get 5 CMBT for each confirmed referral.
8. Tokens will be distributed after IEO.

Project Website:

Don’t forget to visit our official websitejoin Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops

About Project: 

CoinMarketBrasil will provide a decentralization system for business project operations, which can be deployed to existing ERP systems, adding database security and implementing managed blockchain services. Ico Bench: 3.6/5

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