ZetaChain Airdrop Pre-Claim

ZetaChain Airdrop: Check Eligibility Now

Last summer I wrote about some testnet activities that might qualify users for a potential airdrop from ZetaChain; if you followed along, then you should have the same good news that I received this week: I qualified for the airdrop!

This week ZetaChain announced on X that users who participated in the testnet and other qualifying activities can check their eligibility for the upcoming ZetaChain ($ZETA) airdrop:

Participants can access the eligibility site directly from ZetaChain's blog post (always stay safe and use links from official channels) to check their status for the upcoming airdrop. The ZetaChain blog lists the details of all of the considered criteria for the drop, but the TL;DR version includes:

  • users with 50,000+ cumulative ZETA points
  • invite rewards
  • early user bonuses
  • records of assets on the testnets and mainnet

Other activities seem to have been left out: nothing was mentioned about the Galxe tasks or Zealy quests. On the other hand, it sounds like users who participated in collaborative projects like the ones with OKX, Bitget, and others will be rewarded additional drops at a later date. The snapshot for this airdrop was taken on August 20th, 2023. No information has been given yet in regards to a date of when the airdrop will actually be available to claim.

So, how did you fare? Did you qualify for this airdrop? If so, I'd love to hear from you in the comments!

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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