
Qualifying for a Potential ZetaChain ($ZETA) Airdrop

After watching some of the big surprise airdrops hitting over the last half a year, I recently started doing some research into how crypto-curious individuals could try to identify up-and-coming projects that might lead to potential future airdrops. I've found a lot of good resources in recent months, everywhere from reputable publications/platforms like CoinGecko, to savvy airdrop hunters on Twitter. One of the projects I stumbled upon early on through several of these sources is ZetaChain. I wrote about Zetachain a few months ago, but wanted to revisit this project with some additional updates. Over the last few months, I've been participating in ZetaChain's testnet - among other things - in the hope of qualifying for a potential airdrop from the project.

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Before I launch into the activities I've been conducting with this project, it's important to note two things: one, there is never any guarantee that any particular project will reward it's participants with an airdrop, or that any specific activities will qualify you for a drop even if there is one. Secondly, in regards to this particular airdrop, there currently has been more said against the possibility of an airdrop than for it in recent weeks. The ZetaChain testnet site specifically states that the points earned by participating in the testnet do NOT have any future monetary value. Likewise, mods in the ZetaChain Discord server have recently reiterated that no airdrop plans have been announced. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide if participating in a testnet or other tasks are worth the time spent. However, if you've decided, like me, to try qualify for an airdrop if there is to be one from ZetaChain, here's the most up-to-date list of activity details that I personally have been engaging in.

ZetaChain Testnet Activities

Users can help test the cross-chain capabilities of the ZetaChain testnet by creating an account (including connecting your Twitter account and MetaMask wallet) and sending coins and tokens to and from different chains. Here are the highlights as of the time of writing:

  • Users can earn points once every seven days for making a swap, regardless of whether or not the swap succeeds.
  • Users can currently request assets from either the ZetaChain testnet site OR from the ZetaChain Discord server once every 48 hours. (It used to be once a day, but that's changed in recent weeks.) If you request test assets from the website, you will be randomly sent assets on one of the available chains. If you request assets from Discord, you can specify which chain you'd like to receive. In both cases, you'll receive three $ZETA tokens for the chain selected.
  • ZetaChain has a few links to request additional testnet assets, but some are out-of-date or have specific caveats. Currently, the site lists five assets: tBTC, gETH, tBNB, tMATIC, and tKLAY. On Discord, you can request for gETH, tBNB, tMATIC, and tZETA. For tBTC (test Bitcoin), you'll need to follow the instructions to use the xDefi Wallet and to claim from one of the faucets listed. Also, currently, while you can initiate a swap from tBTC, it doesn't appear that it's an option to receive from other swaps. For gETH (test Ethereum on Goerli), you'll need to make sure you've conducted some actual ETH transactions on the wallet you're using to test in order to make a claim. For tBNB (test Binance Coin), the listed faucet is no longer active - you'll need to join the BNB Discord server and request from the faucet there; there is a limit to how much tBNB you can hold in your wallet now, too. And for tKLAY (test Klayton) - the faucet is working fine, but it no longer appears that tKLAY is available to test on ZetaChain at the current time. (Personally, I collect as many test assets as I can regardless if I'll be using them right away, as many of these assets can have other uses in other testnet situations, too!)
  • After attempting/completing a swap, be sure to post a screenshot of your transaction along with any comments and with your wallet address in the #testnet-feedback channel on ZetaChain's Discord.

ZetaChain Galxe OATs & NFTs

ZetaChain is offering a handful of OATS & NFTS on Galxe for various social media activities and other tasks. Some of these digital assets go hand-in-hand with ZetaChain's Guild activities, which I'll cover below.

ZetaChain Guild Activities

ZetaChain has been utilizing Guild for allowing ZetaChain Discord users to qualify for specific Discord roles. In recent weeks, ZetaChain has also been one of the first Guilds to offer the new Guild Pins - for ZetaChain specifically, this soulbound token will qualify you for yet another role in Discord, and, hopefully, more rewards down the line. (FYI: you'll need a little $BNB to cover gas fees to claim this one.)

ZetaChain QuestN NFT

ZetaChain is also offering a digital asset through QuestN. Like Guild, the ZetaChain QuestN tasks include a mix of social media tasks as well as participating in some of the ZetaChain Galxe offerings. And like the Guild Pin, this QuestN NFT will also require a little $BNB for gas fees.

Official Third Party Tasks on ZetaChain

ZetaChain has also recently started teaming up with other third party partners in addition to the NFT platforms mentioned above. Be sure, however, to only interact with partners that have been officially sanctioned by ZetaChain - a great way to check the status of any particular projects is to see if it's been mentioned as an announcement on ZetaChain's Twitter and Discord accounts. Some recent collaborations include:

  • Symbiosis x ZetaChain - Symbiosis has recently included ZetaChain in their own testnet, and the platform is offering a chance to earn up to four NFTS (all do require a small amount of $BNB for gas fees) on Galxe. Check in with the Symbiosis x ZetaChain quests on Galxe and follow the instructions for each; I made sure to post my results for each on the ZetaChain #testnet-feedback Discord channel for good measure, too.
  • ZetaChain x zkMe - zkME is offering ZetaChain testnet users an opportunity to mint a ZetaChain soulbound token through their platform...and offering an associated OAT on Galxe for their efforts.
  • AsetPay - Mint your own Entry-Pass on ZetaChain's Athens 2 Testnet. You'll need a little test $ZETA, and to manually add the tokens to have the NFTs show in your MetaMask wallet. (I minted two because I didn't see the first one right away in my wallet.) You can also screenshot your endeavors and post your results in the ZetaChain #testnet-feedback Discord channel as well.


Have you been grinding away in hopes of a potential airdrop from ZetaChain? If so, are there other activities you've been participating in? If so, I'd love to hear about your experiences!

(This post was originally published on Article.)

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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