Venom Testnet

Qualifying for a Potential Venom Airdrop

Airdrop hunters might be interested in participating in the ongoing Venom blockchain testnet - and the good news is, Venom has made it more than easy to do! The vast majority of testnet activities have been collected and curated directly on; if you haven't yet participated, set aside a few minutes this week and follow the easy steps to complete over a dozen testnet actions utilizing Venom's expanding network of partner platforms.

Create Your Venom Wallet

Head to the official Venom website to create your Venom wallet. You have three options - either download the mobile wallet to your Android or Apple smartphone, or install the Chrome-based extension into your computer's browser.

Claim Your Testnet Tokens

Venom hosts a faucet page where testers can claim testnet tokens for a wide variety of social media follows on Twitter and Discord. Most follows equal about 15 $VENOM from the faucet; most testnet mints (coming up next) cost between one and two $VENOM plus a bit of gas, so one follow goes a fairly long way.

Earn NFTs While Exploring the Venom Ecosystem

As I mentioned above, Venom has compiled an easy-to-follow task page that will navigate you through about a dozen or so tasks with various partner platforms building on Venom. You'll interact with trading platforms, NFT launchpads, and other types of products utilizing the Venom blockchain. Each task consists of about three to five steps that the website will walk you through. So, if you're new to airdrop hunting and/or testnet testing, this might be a great way to get acclimated to testnet activities in general. You'll earn an NFT on the testnet for every task you complete.

Additional Testnet Tasks

While the official Venom site will take you through a broad array of projects building on the network, there are a few sites I've bookmarked specifically to check in order to increase my transaction count on the testnet:

  • Web3.World - This platform allows users to test swapping and providing liquidity on Venom's testnet.
  • Gravix - Trade and stake on the Venom testnet.
  • Ventory - Mint NFTs on the Venom testnet. They offer a few new mints a week, but they tend to 'sell out' fast. Follow Ventory on Twitter to see new testmint announcements
  • VenomArt - Another NFT minting platform on the Venom testnet.


Following the steps above may qualify users for a potential airdrop when the Venom mainnet goes live. Are you participating in Venom testnet activities? If so, I'd love to hear if there are other platforms on the Venom testnet that you're interacting with. Referral links are always welcome in my comments.

(This post was originally published on Article.)

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out

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