ProBit RAGSCOIN Airdrop.

New ProBit Airdrop for RAGSCOIN...But You Might Wanna Wait

I mentioned at the beginning of the year that I had discovered the crypto exchange ProBit had been offering a lot of airdrops, learn & earns, and AMA rewards to it's users. So I signed up and have so far participated in two airdrops and won one AMA reward. I haven't received any of those airdrops or rewards yet, but I am still within the grace period of two weeks for each, so I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

ProBit offers airdrops every other Monday (along with some other random drops), and their newest one showed up for me in my time zone late Sunday night. This airdrop is for RAGSCOIN, and the style of the airdrop is one of my personally preferred drops: where you can pick and choose which tasks you want to participate in and you get rewarded accordingly.

Disclaimer: this post contains some affiliate links which may give a small payout to the author and/or a bonus to new users who may choose to use apps or services mentioned. Please consider using these links to help support this blog series!

So I started to run through the list yesterday, and first ran into an issue on Task #3 - the link to the RAGSCOIN Discord is invalid. I moved on to Task #4, and part of that task required retweeting the pinned post from ProBit's Twitter account...but there's no pinned post.

ProBit RAGSCOIN Tasks 3 &4

(Image source: screen cap from

I posted these two concerns on (my) Sunday night into the ProBit Telegram channel, but no response. On Monday (again, my time), I saw that another user asked about the invalid Discord invite, also with no response. About the same time I commented on the ProBit Twitter announcement about the RAGSCOIN airdrop - still no response, and at least one other user replied several hours later with similar concerns.

I repeated my concerns on Telegram on (again, 'my') Monday night, and went to the RAGSCOIN Telegram and Twitter accounts to see if I could find better information. Unfortunately, the Discord link listed in their Telegram is the same invalid one, and both RAGSCOIN Telegram and Twitter accounts don't accept replies. Even more of a concern to me, the last Twitter post from RAGSCOIN is from the end of November, 2022.

At this point, I'm starting to lose faith in the validity of the these offers and projects. I'm still signed up and will still follow through - but the lack of customer service and communication is not inspiring a lot of confidence at the moment. Am I alone here in my concerns?

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. It's your responsibility to do extensive research and consult a professional before investing.

So stay tuned! I'm dipping my toes in and trying out new services so that you don't have to, right? I'll update this post and add more once I learn more. If any of you have any experience with ProBit and their myriad of  posted earning opportunities, I'd love to hear about it!  In the meantime, have a good evening, y'all!

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out

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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at

Airdrops, Giveaways, and Other Ways to Earn Crypto
Airdrops, Giveaways, and Other Ways to Earn Crypto

Do you ever imagine what it would have been like to get in on the ground floor of Bitcoin or Ethereum? While there's no way to ever accurately predict which altcoin might explode next, participating in various free giveaways of emerging tokens might be of interest to the speculative crypto enthusiast. Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. It's your responsibility to do extensive research and consult a professional before investing.

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