Always on the look-out for legit ways to earn a little bit of crypto for free, a new-to-me opportunity popped up in my Twitter feed this morning: airdrops offered by ProBit Global.
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ProBit Global Airdrops
After poking around the ProBit website for a few minutes, I was surprised to see that the exchange has been doing regular airdrops for several years now. They're currently running an "Airdrop Monday" series slated to occur every other Monday - but by looking at their previous airdrop event roster, it looks like they frequently release other airdrops throughout the year, too.
Current Global ProBit Airdrops
At the time of writing, there are two active airdrops available from ProBit. All airdrops have different requirements and options, so be sure to see what is required for each particular drop. I like that some of the ProBit airdrops allow you to just do bits and pieces rather than the whole list - personally, I'm not a big fan of having to tag folks in my social media posts in order to qualify, so I'm glad to see some drops have that as an option and not a requirement.
FONE Airdrop
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The current FONE airdrop is one that has several parts that you can pick and choose to complete. The more tasks you do, the more FONE you have the ability to earn. I found these tasks to be very quick and easy.
MNTG Airdrop
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The current MNTG airdrop also has a short and easy list of tasks, however this is one of the drops that do require you to complete all steps in order to qualify.
ProBit Global Learn & Earn
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But wait, there's more! ProBit Global also offers a chance to earn crypto by completing short lessons about particular coins, similar to what Coinbase and Binance offer. Currently there aren't any Learn & Earn offers available, but they've had them in the past for Bitcoin and Volare.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. It's your responsibility to do extensive research and consult a professional before investing.
Do you have experience with ProBit's airdrops or learn & earn opportunities? I signed up for an account this week and will see how these airdrops turn out. I'm hoping ProBit Global will be another continuing opportunity to earn new crypto.
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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out