Learn and Earn for SEI from CoinGecko

New CoinGecko Learn & Earn: SEI

CoinGecko has launched a new Learn & Earn course for $SEI over the weekend; if you're a user of the CoinGecko app and have been collecting your daily 'Candies,' you can spend 60 Candies to participate in this opportunity to win 50 staked $SEI dropped into your Fin or Compass wallet.

If you're not familiar with the CoinGecko 'Candies' program, it's a daily rewards system that allows users of the CoinGecko app to claim points (Candies) each day for logging in. Candies can then be traded in for various offers like these Learn & Earn deals, discounts on products or event tickets, and more.

To win, you'll need to be one of the first 18,000 participants to qualify - and make note, they are 'selling' more entries than there will be winners, so if you're going to participate, do it sooner rather than later. Qualifying users will need to follow Sei on X, add Sei to their watchlist on CoinGecko, and most importantly - answer all 15 quiz questions correctly. I found the quiz to be more oriented to specific statistics about the project than the average Learn & Earn courses we see from various sources these days; I'm not sure I answered them all correctly myself. So you might want to take notes - especially regarding stats and numbers about the Sei network - before attempting the quiz. You're only allowed one attempt for this Learn & Earn opportunity, so be sure you're ready before you utilize your unique code to access the quiz.

For more details, check out the official announcement from CoinGecko. This opportunity is open until November 29th, 2023.

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/


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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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