Access Protocol airdrops arriving soon.

Access Protocol (ACS) Airdrop Arriving Monday, May 22nd

The next on-chain airdrop from Access Protocol announced earlier this year will be arriving in wallets on Monday, May 22nd, according to an announcement in Access Protocol's Discord server this morning:

On-chain-activity-based airdrop: The airdrop will be distributed by Access Protocol on Monday, May 22, based on on-chain user activity. Remember that users with Access Protocol activity (lock, claim or unlock) between March 1 and April 1 will be prioritized. - Access Protocol Discord announcement channel

Previously, Access Protocol had mentioned the snapshots taken on March 1st and April 1st, but had not really specified what activity they would be basing the distribution of tokens on. It's not immediately clear if users who already had $ACS locked prior to the first snapshot will be included in a reduced reward allocation, or if the airdrop is destined for those who completed these specific actions between the two dates only.

In addition, the ByBit airdrop is also coming to a close, with rewards to be distributed over the next few months:

Bybit-based airdrop: The airdrop will be distributed by Bybit to the wallets of the lucky winners, which will happen according to Bybit rules, that is 50% (15,000 $ACS) within 30 working days after the event's end date (May 20) and the remaining 50% within 90 working days after the event ends. - Access Protocol Discord announcement channel

Access Protocol airdrop updates.

(Access Protocol Discord announcement.)

Access Protocol recently announced that these would be the final two airdrops for the project, but had previously alluded to an upcoming Learn & Earn opportunity from Coinbase. No further information has been provided about those plans.

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out


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