MetisDAO X CoinMarketCap || Me in Metis Airdrop.

By FreedomBuilder | airdropcrypto | 14 May 2021


πŸ’Έ Total Reward Pool: 3,000 METIS β‰ˆ$15000 to share only between 1.000 Lucky participants.

βœ… Create an account on CoinMarketCap website with your e-mail.

πŸ’Ž Visit the MetisDAO X CoinMarketCap Airdrop Form.

πŸ’Ž Airdrop Rules:
πŸ“Œ Create an account on CoinMarketCap website, verify your e-mail & login.
πŸ“Œ Visit the Airdrop Form on CoinMarketCap.
πŸ“Œ Add Metis to Watchlist on CoinMarketCap.
πŸ“Œ Follow MetisDAO Telegram Group .Β
πŸ“Œ Follow CoinMarketCap Telegram Channel.Β
πŸ“Œ Follow MetisDAO on Twitter.Β
πŸ“Œ Retweet using the message " There is a me in MetisΒ @MetisDaoΒ #MetisDAOΒ "
πŸ“Œ Follow CoinMarketCap on Twitter.

πŸŒ€ Submit your Details to the Airdrop Form with your ETH wallet address ERC-20.

🎯 Event duration: Until 14th May, 2021. (Only 12 Hours from now before End)

🎯 Distribution: Airdrop Tokens will be distributed the 20th May, 2021.

βž• Additional Information:
πŸ“Œ Metis makes building on Ethereum blockchain cheaper, faster, more scalable, more functional, and so easy, anyone can do it.

πŸ’’ Metis Website for more info:Β




πŸ”΄ Please remember that all airdrops should be free, and you don't need to pay any penny. Just submit and wait patiently.


πŸ‘€ Check My Telegram Channel To Avoid MISSING HOT AIRDROPS & UPDATES here πŸ‘‰Β

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Crypto investor, trader & holder, looking for to build my freedom with the Blockchain technology.


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