πŸ“’ Huobi X Blockchain Brawlers πŸ‘‰ Giveaway Event!

By FreedomBuilder | airdropcrypto | 13 Apr 2022


🎁 Total Reward Pool: $10,000 $BRWL to Share!

🏦 Login to your Huobi account & get your UID "User ID".

πŸ‘‰ Visit The Giveaway Airdrop Form & complete the Social tasks.

πŸŒ€ FollowΒ @HuobiGlobalΒ @bc_brawlersΒ @DujunXΒ Retweet with @bc_brawlersΒ @HuobiGlobalΒ & Tag 2 friends.

βœ… Quiz answers Verified πŸ‘
πŸ“Œ Q1. What day did the Blockchain Brawlers game launch?
β˜‘οΈ 30 Mar
πŸ“Œ Q2. How many Brawler NFTs can you put into a Legendary Ring in the game?
β˜‘οΈ 8
πŸ“Œ Q3. On what blockchain does the Blockchain Brawlers game operate?
β˜‘οΈ WAX
πŸ“Œ Q4. What is the name of the world-renowned wrestler who is partnered with Blockchain Brawlers? (Hint: 16x Wrestling World Champion)
β˜‘οΈ Ric Flair
πŸ“Œ Q5. Along with BRWL tokens, what is the primary ingredient to craft in the game?
β˜‘οΈ Gold

πŸŒ€ Submit your details to the Airdrop form with your Huobi UID "User ID".


πŸ”Ά End Date: 16th April, 2022

πŸ‘€ Website:Β https://www.bcbrawlers.com




πŸ”΄ Please remember that all airdrops should be free, and you don't need to pay any penny. Just submit and wait patiently.


πŸ‘€ Check My Telegram Channel To Avoid MISSING HOT AIRDROPS & UPDATES here πŸ‘‰Β https://t.me/Adaminsane

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Crypto investor, trader & holder, looking for to build my freedom with the Blockchain technology.


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