
WHOLE FOODS MARKET - PoLIEcy - Korporate Psychopaths


Went to Whole Foods Market earlier today. Have not been in one since this SCAMdemic began and needed something they have. As I entered the “mask patrol” immediately told me I must wear a mask to enter. I politely explained to them I do not wear masks, that the masks are dangerous. He said I would have to have my "temperature tested" before entering as well! Told him that was a tad bit too “NAZI Germany” for me and declined. Said he needed to contact his manager to further assist me. The manager came out and repeated the same lies all the other Korporate psychopaths are using to justify medical tyranny. He said checking temperatures is part on the new poLIEcy. I said “all that for an alleged virus that has a near 100 percent chance of survival?” Was sharing some evidence with him and he agreed with what I was saying. Even knowing the Truth chose to conform and enforce a corrupt poLIEcy based in fraudulent data.


I pointed to my camera and told him I have to wear this because people keep harassing me about the masks. Explained to him that the store poLIEcy is enhancing “medical tyranny” and is a form of discrimination. His attitude switched and told me he did not want to have this conversation. People living the Lie want nothing to do with any Truths that contradict the Lie they live. They get uncomfortable and flee most of the time. Or they get angry and aggressive. Most simply ignore the Truth until they get sick from the Lie and have to face it or die.


The government knows it cannot legally make people wear face masks so THEY have lower level Korporate psychopaths do it for them. This is their loophole at the moment. THEY have us by the balls at the moment. Because to not comply with the Lie means loss of income. Loss of income leads to suffering and death. THEY use manipulation and coercion to get us to comply. Unfortunately most will not unite with fellow co-workers and strike over it. It is much easier to comply than risk the loss of a job. The solution requires “massive strikes” and until that happens we will be experiencing more medical tyranny, pain and suffering. The other solution is to stop giving our money to Korporate psychopaths. THEY are making this even difficult to do because we need to eat. There are certain products for survival we cannot get unless we support Korporate psychopaths. THEY know this and use it to their advantage. So I said "no thank you" to them and walked out. Will not be returning.

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