What is it with wax games at the moment? They seem to be dropping like flies all of a sudden.
So yet another game has announced its switching off the game and putting up a reduced version of it. Galactic123 the sci-fi space exploring game, as of the end of march has basically stopped any game play on the website. All it consists of now is a basic click to collect and blending of resources along with staking of nfts, both of which are not even done on the web page. So far they have made a few new nfts which replace the game play element but these need to be blended. Only problem is each of these nfts needed to blend cost anywhere from 10 to 100 wax sometimes more. Ok, but when you need 10-11 of them to blend then i'm sorry but that is not worth it. f#For example to get a moon drill you need 10 moon gloves, which works out at nearly 400 wax just for the nfts to blend it.
What do you get for that? Tokens that are worthless and nfts that nobody wants to buy as the price is too high. SO what is the actual point of this 'game' now? It has ceased being a game and is basically an R-Planet clone. What happened to the game-play seeing as its being promoted as a game. I don't want to click and collect every 2 hours just to get anything, even if I wanted to spend 100s of wax just to do anything. It looks like another game that just wants high paying people to play, the developer has even said he only makes a $1 a day. Well as a developer you should have had a plan in place to gradually expand the game instead of dumping it all in one go and then expecting everyone who has invested money into it to pick up the slack.
Most of the nfts we as users were told to get to improve the game now have no use in the 'game'. Maybe in the future they might but no word of this from the developers. Also the ones that are usable to blend, unless you bought at least 10 or more of them they are now useless. The staking element is not much better. Most of the staking pots are less than 0.1 wax per day. 0.1 wax!! When that is split between the people staking you would be hard done to make 1 wax a year.
So will it be another 'game' that is going to drop of the network? It's not looking good.