"Read the air!"

By kubo kazuya | About Japan en | 6 Dec 2024


The culture of "Read the air!" in Japan could be described as ultra high-context in English.

Because Japan is an island nation with no escape, it becomes difficult to live if one is targeted by a group.

To avoid being targeted, people become sensitive to every word and action they take.

This sensitivity leads to stress, and when someone acts freely, others may become envious and attack them.

I believe this promotes the phenomenon of "mura hachibu."

As a result, people start to understand each other's actions and gestures without saying anything and begin to act accordingly.

This is also referred to as non-verbal communication.

I think it’s wonderful to try to understand others through information other than words.

However, in reality, this often leads to misunderstandings.



↓ It is being discussed about "reading the air."

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kubo kazuya
kubo kazuya


About Japan en
About Japan en

I write about Japanese society.

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