Add 'meow' to the end of sentences, meow

By kubo kazuya | About Japan en | 27 Dec 2024


This might not be very familiar overseas, meow.

Not just "nya" and "wan," but in Japan, there are dialects with distinctive endings, meow.

For example, in Kansai dialect, you have "nen" and "yan," and in Hakata dialect, you have "to?" and "bai," meow.


There are also many characters in manga and anime with unique sentence endings, meow.

For instance, Naruto's "dattebayo," Biscuit from HUNTER×HUNTER with "dasawa," and Lum from Urusei Yatsura with "datcha," meow.


I wonder if the idea of adding "meow" to mimic cats can be conveyed to people overseas, meow?

I think adding "meow" makes conversations more soothing, so I plan to keep using it, meow.



↓ Here’s a cat video, meow

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kubo kazuya
kubo kazuya

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