Messari: venture funds have increased investment in decentralized derivatives exchanges

By Danyakot | a whole day of positivity | 11 Aug 2020

Venture funds have increased their investment in decentralized platforms for trading cryptocurrencies, according to data from the analytical company Messari.

Since the beginning of the third quarter, five projects have received funding totaling more than $5.8 million.


Investments came from the largest funds working in the crypto industry, including Polychain, Pantera, FBG, and Dragonfly.

Some projects have already released their products to the market, most are under development. After their launch, analysts expect additional capital inflows.

Among those working is the DeFi platform Opyn, which lost $371,000 as a result of a recent hack. Last quarter, it raised $2.2 million. At the beginning of August, the nominal trading volume on Opyn exceeded $50 million, Messari noted.

FutureSwap developers launched the alpha version of the platform a few months ago. At that time, the exchange became the sector's leader in daily trading volume with an indicator of more than $7 million. After that, it stopped testing ahead of schedule due to demand exceeding expectations.
According to analysts, the growing interest in decentralized platforms is also indicated by the price of their internal tokens. For example, FinNexus (FNX) and Auctus (AUC) added 300% and 200% respectively over the month, they stressed.

By the end of March, the value of Polychain Capital's net assets had increased 14.3 times in 39 months, despite a 60.4% drop in 2018.

The return of the Bitcoin Fund from Pantera Capital for seven years exceeded 15,000%, surpassing BTC in this indicator.

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