How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Crypto Phishing Scams

How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Crypto Phishing Scams

By KuCoin Blog | KuCoin Weekly Review | 18 Jan 2023

The cryptocurrency market has captured the attention of retail and institutional investors over recent years, increasing in scope and popularity. And while some may argue that crypto is yet to go mainstream, it’s undeniable that the crypto market cap touched an all-time high of $3 trillion at the height of the 2021 bull market. 

As cryptocurrencies pick up once again as a new year gets underway, several scammers and hackers are looking to profit from the soaring popularity of this asset class. Till November 2022 alone, crypto frauds reached a whopping $4 billion, growing by 37% YoY. The crypto market has proven to be a profitable opportunity for scammers, with phishing scams commonly used on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

As a People’s Exchange, KuCoin takes the security of your assets as our top priority, and we are undertaking every effort to have you rest assured to put your assets in our hands. However, you should still be extra vigilant about these scams and configure the necessary account settings to give your assets an additional layer of protection. 

Read our latest blog on what phishing scams are and how to prevent falling victim to these attacks.

Find out how to spot different kinds of phishing attacks and avoid them. We also delve into what steps we at KuCoin have taken to protect our users from such crypto scams. 

Happy trading on KuCoin!

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