Blenderizer smart contract is NOW Open Source

By RadaQuest | 3DKRender | 12 May 2021

If you have been in WAX ecosystem long enough you probably at this point made a "Blend", Blends are made thanks to our Smart Contract "Blenderizer", made by our very own MarcosDK. So today we are gonna talk about Blenderizer and why is now Open Source!!

What is Blenderizer?

Blenderizer is a smart contract that allows you to configure the creation of an NFT from other NFTs, with the hype of the NFTs it is not surprising that innovations come daily, artists want to personalize their collections and give a new use to everything they created. This is where Blenderizer comes to help and give artists the opportunity to express themselves through the modifications of their collection, give them new values ​​, and very importantly a real use case.



How does it work?

You can check full functionality HERE, collection owners create a recipe where they describe how many nfts and which ones will be used for burning ...wait burning? 🔥...YES!! every time a new blend is executed the used nfts are burned to make way for a new NFTS whose mint will start counting from mint # 1, granting a new use case and limiting the supply of the previous nfts ... interesting isn't it?


The ascent

The wax ecosystem is growing faster, as well as the number of collections and artists on the market, this has caused an incredible amount of use for our contract.

Weekly usage analysis during this year:



Data since Blenderizer release (December 2020)

  • 99k NFTs burned
  • 34.8k NFTs created
  • 2k blends configured
  • 1.8k unique users
  • 110 collections

You can check more Blenderizer stats in our Monthly Reports: March 2021April 2021


Why Open Source?

On May 7 MarcosDK has informed that Blenderizer smart contract is now free to use, and can be modified by reaching out to the source code, you can find it HERE in our guild GitHub.



We have received many requests with amazing ideas about new ways in which our contract should respond (multiple nfts, more accurate mixes, mixes with random results, probabilities, and more) unfortunately we cannot answer them all so the best option is to release the code and that can be modified by the projects themselves to your liking, delivering a beautiful tool to the WAX ​​and NFTs community😀.



We would love to see the creations that the community makes with our code, so if you modify Blenderizer we would love to see what you have created, do not forget to join our community on Discord and show us your work!!!!


Smart Contract:  

Thanks for been here 🤩


About WAX

WAX is the safest and most convenient way to create, buy, sell and trade virtual items. WAX has created a complete set of blockchain-based tools that allow anyone to exchange digital or even physical items instantly and securely, with anyone, anywhere. Since 2017, WAX has facilitated the trade of more than 100 million digital items.
For more information, visit and follow them on Twitter and Telegram.

What is 3DKRender?


3DK Render is a block producer team for WAX Blockchain involved in several projects like Rada Quest TCG, WAX Arena, and Blenderizer.

Join our community on Discord


Meet our creations:

Gamified auctions on WAX Blockchain created by 3DK Render. Win NFTs with the highest bid or earn overbid commissions.
Website | Twitter | Smart Contract | Testnet

Configure the creation of an NFT from other NFTs.
Website | Twitter | Smart Contract | Testnet

Rada Quest is a fantasy trading card game over WAX Blockchain.
Website | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram | Steemit | Publish0x
Collection stats AtomicHub
Active Game Art Drops Part 1 | Part 2


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Rada Quest is a Fantasy Trading Card Game over WAX Blockchain, Game Art #NFTs Available Now.


3DK Render is a block producer team for WAX Blockchain involved in several projects like Rada Quest TCG, WAX Arena, and Blenderizer.

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