3air token presale: SOLD OUT!



‼️ SOLD OUT!‼️

The final round of the 3air Public Presale is officially sold out!

We have successfully sold out early with 2,000,000 tokens purchased during our presale. It is no longer possible to purchase any tokens.

Thank you to everyone who participated and supports the 3air cause. We look forward to going the next step with you!

Official listing plans will be announced very soon. 👀 In the meantime, keep spreading the word to your friends and family, on social media and other networks. Thank you!


3air is a decentralized telecom platform connecting people of Africa with broadband. Please visit 3air.io for more information.


(content reposted by a project enthousiast from 3air.io with permission of 3air.io)


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3air-Limitless connectivity. Unlimited potential.
3air-Limitless connectivity. Unlimited potential.

With its proprietary technology 3air brings affordable, high-speed, and stable broadband internet, digital TV, and IP telephony to the under-connected people and businesses in developing countries.

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