365 Days Of Free Crypto : November Update (Links Included!)



Nerds! We’re back with November’s Free Crypto!

What another GREAT month for crypto! Am I right?! If you didn’t catch last months post here is a little TLDR: Ever since I first purchased ETH nine months ago I’ve been searching for additional ways of earning as much free crypto as I can. Here is a link to last months earnings incase you’re curious. 

365 Days of Free Crypto : October 2021

Now enough blabbing! November! Boy, was it a good one! Just below are my earnings for the month of November.  As well as the sources from which I obtained everything! Links are also included in case any of you would like to take a dabble for yourself!


Algorand (ALGO)

Freecash.com - 72.31 ALGO ($132.32)

I am honestly so mad I found out about this site late in the month. I made all of this by essentially just doing the mobile game offers for a few hours each night after work with the addition of a few surveys here and there throughout the day.

They do not have an ALGO withdrawal. What I did was cash out VIA Litecoin and then convert it to ALGO. I think I only lost a minimal amount in fees this way. But hey, it’s free money that's currently staking!

Banano (BAN)

Folding - 2159.51 ($41.03)

Faucets - 104.14 ($1.97)

JungleTV - 39.34 ($0.74)

2302.99 BAN ($43.75)


Hi Dollar (HI)

Daily Wallet Rewards - 9 HI ($11.53)

I’m not really what this one is all about. You essentially get a free HI coin a day for answering a simple question. BUT, you have to wait a year before you can cash these out. Normally I would be worried. But the companies backing this are 100% legit!


Crypto Royale (ROY)

52.58  ($1.44)


PreSearch (PRE)

 26.67 ($6.32)


Nano (NANO)

WeNano - 0.074 ($0.37)

Faucets - 0.02489 ($0.12)

            0.09889 NANO ($0.49)


Ampleforth (AMPL)

Publish0x - 0.4122 ($0.57)


Farm (FARM)

Publish0x - 0.0030234 ($0.37)


Ethereum (ETH)

Staked - 0.0019 ($8.91)

Rollercoin - 0.001327 ($6.23)

0.003227 ETH ($15.14)


Coinbase Earn

MLN - 0.02560404 ($3.00)

Loopring - 1.37856734 ($1.50)

Note: CB Earn is only available to US residents. 




Theta Node - 9.45 ($2.83)

Theta.TV - 0.06  ($0.01)

9.51 TFuel ($2.84)


Total Free Crypto : $219.27


Referral Links:

Freecash.com (https://freecash.com/r/bananomancan)

Rollercoin.com ((https://rollercoin.com/?r=kku43wse)

Coinbase Earn (https://coinbase.com/join/vicari_8a)

Hi Dollar (https://hi.com/ShangaVIBES)

PreSearch (https://presearch.org/signup?rid=3110404)


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Lover of Crypto Currencies. Especially Banano Coin! Follow me on my journey to see how much I can contribute to the Banano communities way of life!

365 Days Of Free Crypto!
365 Days Of Free Crypto!

Starting October 1st, 2021 follow me on my journey of collecting as much free crypto as I can in 365 days! All sources will be linked and posted as well incase you're interested in doing it yourself!

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.