Banano Man 365 Days Of Free Crypto! October Update!

365 Days Of Free Crypto : October Update (Links Included!)


I'm back! You may (or may not) remember my 2 post series "365 Days of Free Crypto". Unfortunetly I was only able to keep track of 4 months worth of data before real life got in the way. But I'm back! Again, I've attached referral links to all sites listed just incase you're interested at the bottom! Will update next month with staked earnings as well from all this!




I know Rollercoin gets a lot of flak for being a Ponzi, I'm currently 2 years in with multiple withdrawals and have gained an INSANE amount of power without even spending a dime of my own money. The new seasonal updates / events are a GREAT start if you're a new player. I was rank 46,930 on May 3rd with a current rank of 14,640 as of July 16th!

Pretty straight forwards advertising site that lets you cash out in crypto and Paypal! I usually do the mobile offers while I'm on the couch or toilet. Some are actually pretty fun simulators and idle clickers, which I enjoy for some reason!


Brandclub is a cash back rewards app for Amazon / Walmart / Target / Chewy! As someone that shops on all those apps it was a no brainer to try out! They are also running a promo where you get a free $12 just for signing up and linking one of those retailer accounts! Instant cash out to Paypal or Venmo! I use my purchase rewards to cash out $10+ to Paypal then convert it to ETH!


 Pretty self explanatory. Sweatcoin is an IOS app that pays out with how much you walk per day. I honestly just keep it open in the background daily. I do consider myself somewhat of an active person so regardless of the current state of this coin, I still use it. 


Total Free Crypto : $261.62



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Lover of Crypto Currencies. Especially Banano Coin! Follow me on my journey to see how much I can contribute to the Banano communities way of life!

365 Days Of Free Crypto!
365 Days Of Free Crypto!

Starting October 1st, 2021 follow me on my journey of collecting as much free crypto as I can in 365 days! All sources will be linked and posted as well incase you're interested in doing it yourself!

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.