One hand holding money and one hand holding Bitcoin

Why $BTC Is a Better Bargain Today—Even at the Same Price

$BTC is trading in the range where it's been for roughly 2 weeks. You should wait for a dip, right?

Strangely, the data suggest that it is now more of a bargain (at the exact same price) than it was 2 weeks ago.

To explain, we're going to use the Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR) for data. It is among the easiest of on-chain data to grasp. It's simply price sold / Price Paid.

In the last bull market, it rose above 1.3. In the March cycle hype, post-BTC ETF launch, it surpassed 1.35. Those extremes have served as contrarian signals historically.

Image of the SOPR for $BTC highlighting contrarian

In a market with loose financial conditions, it appears that any reading below 0 (i.e., any negative reading) is a contrarian positive signal. You can see that in the image below.

Note, however, that this is very much a context-relative indicator. You need some other assurance that the market is in an upward trajectory. Otherwise, you'll be buying the crash.

Image of SOPR revealing

And where do we stand presently?

The reading is 1.067.

Image of SOPR ratio showing current level at 1.067.

Relatively speaking, this means that $BTC is more of a bargain now than it was (roughly) 14 days ago, despite having effectively the same ~$97,000 price. That's at least what this one data point suggests.

Happy Trading!


-Sebastian Purcell, PhD


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Sebastian Purcell, PhD
Sebastian Purcell, PhD

CEO for both 1.2 Capital and 1.2 Labs | I'm an academic turned crypto hedge fund manager and incubator director.

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