Trump with money sign

3 Lessons for the Trump Trade

With the launch of two meme coins that added ~$30 billion to his net worth, Trump has not only established himself as the world's meme coin king, but also changed the attention economy. While AI was formerly the top narrative, it is now the Trump narrative.

With a few days perspective on the recent events, we can draw some lessons for the future of the Trump trade

Lesson 1: If You're Not In Early, Just Wait

Those who were in very early to the Trump meme coin launch profited greatly. Those who joined just a day later are now deeply in the red.

Taking a look at the funding rates for $Trump across exchanges, you can see that on launch the coin was too hot --it's that big orange streak--but now it's fine (see the green that I've highlighted?).

Just wait for these things to come back to earth.


Lesson 2: There Is Always Another "Bright Idea"

And lest you fear that you'll never get another shot at such a meme coin, here's a look at the Trump family tree. Look at all those other possible meme coins: Don Jr. Ivanka, Eric, Barron ... probably not Tiffany, but who knows.

And then there are the grandchildren and spouses. The possibilities are endless.


Lesson 3: The Long-Term Plays are in Infrastructure

All of these meme coins require infrastructure--not only to launch, but also to extract capital. Trump can't dump $Trump coin without crashing its price and reducing how much he's worth.

To extract that capital, he needs to use it as collateral in a DeFi project. Fortunately, Don Jr., Eric, and Barron have World Liberty Financial for just that.

And they'll even tell you which coins they most like right now. Just follow their tweets.


Some Observations

That WFL tweet is somewhat deceptive as the Trump ecosystem exceeds those coins listed.

The $Trump and $Melania meme coins run on $SOL, so that's going to matter. WFL also owns quite a bit of $ondo for its Real World Asset (RWA) pathways.

Interesting to me is the presence of Tron ($TRX) and wBTC -- which is now also part of Justin Sun's empire. It appears that CoinBase is being pushed out (their competitor is cbBTC).

Concluding Thoughts

The crypto space is accustomed to "following the Fed." We're now also going to be "following Trump."

The previous rules were: inflation bad; interest rate cuts good.

The additional rule is: buy into whatever new thing Trump is doing with crypto.

Use these 3 lessons to guide you with the new rule.

Happy Trading!


-Sebastian Purcell, PhD


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Sebastian Purcell, PhD
Sebastian Purcell, PhD

CEO for both 1.2 Capital and 1.2 Labs | I'm an academic turned crypto hedge fund manager and incubator director.

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