Hive got listed on Bitget Spot Trading List

By mango juice | 0mango-juice | 17 Jan 2025

Hello Hive community!

Good morning and I hope all of you are doing well in life and enjoying the thrill in this wild crypto world. Today in this post, I am excited to share some fantastic news regarding Hive that’s literally electrifying the whole blockchain. Huge has just reached a much higher level. Yes, you read the title right, Hive is now available for SPOT trading on the Bitget Exchange! So we can now deposit Hive coin directly from our Hive wallet to Bidget and the withdrawal is also starting from tomorrow. This great milestone not only brings together two powerful web3 platforms and creates an incredible new venture for opportunities provided to traders, creators and blockchain enthusiasts. So today in this post, let us take a dive into why getting listed on Bitget means a crucial milestone for Hive and why it is so significant.

Hive and Bitget Collaboration

It feels honored to witness being an old user here, the amazing journey of Hive, since its first fork to mainstream recognition like getting listed for spot and futures trading. Today when I came across this piece of mews, I got excited and proud seeing that Hive has taken another significant leap with its launch on Bitget SPOT trading section, not to mention its recent launches in multiple exchanges with Spot or Future listings. With Hive’s Free of Transaction cost decentralized blockchain technology makes a real change in this web3 world and with Bitget’s innovative trading solutions, this amazing partnership certainly creates a perfect synergy and a great use case and exposure point for Hive. Hive user @cabetosag, a Key Opinion Customer (KOC) Ambassador and Bitget Squad member, has been appointed For Working actively on this collaboration. The great step and the creation of a perfect union between Hive and Bitget demonstrates the growing importance of Hive in the global crypto ecosystem.



Hive SPOT trading Live on Bitget

Hive’s newest achievement on getting listed on Bitget SPOT trading marks a valuable turning point. Previously, Binance also recently listed Hive as a perpetual futures contract and this projected a huge spotlight on the Hive token and it is now also encouraging other exchanges to follow the path. Now, as Bitget’s has embraced our beloved Hive as a SPOT trading option, let’s now talk about why this matters…

  • Increased Liquidity - Hive’s presence on Bitget certainly enhances its liquidity, thus making it easier for traders to buy and sell the token.

  • Broader Visibility - This big listing introduces Hive to a much larger audience and increases awareness and more adoption in near future.

  • Empowering Entrepreneurs - Hive has many advantages for developing web3 projects, especially with free transaction and earning opportunities. By integrating Hive with Bitget’s platform, many entrepreneurs in the Web3 space from across the globe gain new tools and opportunities to grow and thrive.

Anyway, no doubt this partnership creates a strong bridge to fill the gap between Hive users and the Bitget’s vast ecosystem. It is obviously a positive sign for Hive in the future, hopefully it will help in mass adoption across both platforms as well.

Hive Stat Numbers for 2024

Let’s now take a look at some stats that highlight Hive’s growth and potential in 2024 and hopefully this will rise exponentially in 2025 because of all these listings.

  • 2.6 Million Hive Accounts - While the actual number is 2.55 million, it is still a remarkable achievement. Around 50,000 new accounts were created in 2024, maintaining a steady growth rate which is seen in 2023.
  • 40,000 Content Creators - These are the total no. of accounts actively posting or commenting, which is up from 33,000 in the previous year. This increase clearly underscores Hive’s thriving community of creators.
  • 336 Million Total Transactions - Hive’s feeless transactions undoubtedly sets it apart from the crowd. by getting close to one million daily transactions, the platform excels in gaming and curation activities because of its fast speed and state-of-the-art blockchain security.

The Thrill of Trading Hive

With the listings, Hive’s supply dynamics now add another whole new layer of excitement for traders. With a circulating supply of approximately 463,577,875 tokens, Hive’s relatively low supply allows for significant price swings with this token. While this can possibly lead to substantial profits, it should be noted that it also comes with risks as well because of the volatility.

Trading Hive futures can be exciting and exhilarating, but if you are trading it, it is always better to stay disciplined and avoid letting emotions dictate your decisions during market volatility. I personally think that the Hive and Bitget collaboration is obviously a gigantic milestone and worth celebrating. By offering SPOT trading for Hive, Bitget not only empowers Hive users to explore new use-case opportunities enhancing the Hive ecosystem, but it also lays the foundation stone for better future growth, innovation and adoption as we continue our journey.

I hope you liked reading my post and also loved hearing about this great news. Let me know your thoughts regarding this topic in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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mango juice
mango juice

Blockchain enthusiast, Mobile photographer, gamer, fact teller, tech n gadget reviewer, foodie, traveler!!


Hello readers, I am mango-juice, a crypto enthusiast and blog writer on hive blockchain since 2018. I also try different NFT gaming and DeFi projects and share my analysis and thoughts with my readers. I am also a veteran Splinterlands player and write about it’s gameplay tactics and investment strategy as well to help other players and newcomers.

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