I don’t think the innovation around storage is done. Far from it. In this article we present the overview of 0Chain >Storage Protocol< (By CTO - Siva Dirisala)

0Chain is one of the few blockchain projects that has built a blockchain platform from the ground up rather than forking an already existing code base. The platform wasn’t built in complete isolation. Once the testnet was released in 2018 August, we started working on our first major dApp, the storage dApp - 0Box. This allowed the platform design and direction to evolve in a way that is suitable for deploying a large scale dApp that needs all the power of the fast finality with high throughput.

Also, while the ledger technology is decentralized via the blockchain, usually the dApp itself is operated by a centralized authority. What if the dApp itself needs to be decentralized to support its operations? We wanted our storage solution to be as secure and reliable as possible and we ensured that the dApp itself can be operated in a decentralized manner and evolved the design of the 0chain blockchain platform and the storage dApp hand-in-hand.

Even though 0chain started off with the storage dApp, the design and architecture was created in such a way that it can be easily applied for other types of services and service providers. For example, the notion of validators is generic and that a threshold multi-sig is needed to show the verification of a challenge to the blockchain is generic. Validators role is to validate, but what they validate is left to the specific service.

Once gain, just like the 0chain blockchain protocol, the storage protocol has been implemented in a very short time with several advanced features and the designs are generic to support additional services in the future. All this is done without sacrificing the speed and safety of the service to the end users. All of this backend work is presented to the end users with well designed native iOS and Android apps to ensure smooth and rapid adoption of the storage service by the end users.

In my previous article, I have given an overview of the 0chain blockchain protocol. In this article, I will be discussing the storage protocol and how it offers a secure, highly reliable and fast storage solution that is suitable for both consumer and enterprise uses.

Please read the entire 0Chain storage protocol article here!


P.S. If you are interested in becoming a service provider (miner, sharder, blobber) and reap nice rewards from being part of the 0Chain network, please refer to this article for more information

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Entrepreneur, Investor, Blockchain & Crypto enthusiast, Tech fan. Moving forward!

0Chain, a Zero-Trust Cloud Infrastructure
0Chain, a Zero-Trust Cloud Infrastructure

0Chain is a public, permissionless infrastructure cloud designed to host the next-generation of software and services. www.0chain.net

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