Epic Games Store launches its first ever Web3 game, Blankos Block Party

By ZeroRequiem | Zero Ex | 18 Sep 2022

Hey Gamers!


As of Friday, September 16th, Blankos Block Party is now available on the Epic Games Store.


Blankos Block Party is an open-world multiplayer blockchain-based video game. Think of Roblox, but with NFTs.

  • Players can create, share and play their own levels, as well as explore other players' created games.
  • The custom avatars and accessories within the game are all NFTs. 
  • Players can resell their NFTs through the marketplace, or combine them to create new NFTs.
  • Blankos Block Party was developed and published by Mythical Games.
  • The game runs on the Mythical Platform, which is reportedly built on a private EOS.io blockchain using Proof of Authority

This official blog is extremely helpful for newcomers to Blankos Block Party: https://news.mythicalgames.com/all-about-your-blanko


Epic Games Store will welcome games that make use of blockchain tech provided they follow the relevant laws, disclose their terms, and are age-rated by an appropriate group. Though Epic's not using crypto in our games, we welcome innovation in the areas of technology and finance. - Tim Sweeney, Epic Games Founder and CEO




Blankos Block Party is currently holding a promotional NFT Blanko Giveaway, where 10 random entrants will win a Joystick Blanko!

Here’s how to enter:

  • Take a screenshot in front of the Atari sign in The Junction
  • Share your photo as a Reply to this Twitter post here.
  • Fill out this Google Form

You have until September 19th, at 18:59 UTC.



I completed the challenge and tweeted my screenshot to Blanks Block Party.

What do you guys think of my picture?



After hearing this news, I am excited to jump back into Blankos Block Party and see what has changed.

I remember downloading this game maybe a year or two ago, but I have only played it a handful of times. 

It was fun, but it didn't hold my attention for long, as I am an avid gamer and I basically am obsessed with a new game every week; it takes a really special game for me to stick with it. 


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See ya!



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