What's Downhill and what it's like.

By minaleon | Wszystko o rowerach. | 30 Mar 2020

Downhill - this is one of the extreme varieties of mountain biking, consisting of very fast descent, mostly on time after the winding 

stony, narrow paths dotted with various obstacles such as drops (faults)

At Downhill races the average downhill time is 2-5 minutes. 

The prices of such bikes range from 1 to 20 thousand $.


The riders not infrequently suffer serious injuries as a result of e.g. a clash alone with a tree or simply a badly executed jump, fault.

That's why they are dressed in such protectors as: helmet, buzzer, knee protectors, less often elbow protectors, sometimes pelvic protectors and cervical vertebrae.

Downhill bikes have full suspension, i.e. they have full suspension, the front shock has a very long shock shave.

he rear suspension (damper) is divided into spring and air suspension. 

Downhill is more likely to use spring suspension than air suspension.


Now it's time to move on to the tires , tires have a large aggressive tread most often on rim size 27.5, but many people further away

I prefer 26.

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