Fiesole- Short Story

By Gamerents | Writer's Curiosity | 24 Mar 2021

A man's reach should exceed his grasp.

"Samuel, whaaaat exactly do you think you're doing?" Growled an enormous dark figure as it detached itself from every shadowy corner of the room.

"Why did you kill him?" Now rapidly shrinking it came streaking inhumanly towards the young man crouched over a bloody lifeless body.

"So free we seem, so fettered fast we are."

Samuel froze for a moment and then stood up withdrawing his blade from it's latest victim. "He saw me." He paused for a moment looking at the now much smaller figure before him. "How did you do that?"

"We still needed him for information" The figures voice was now smooth and silken, yet it left an eerie piercing sting in Samuel's mind as if they were threaded through him with a fine point needle.

"Of course he saw you, you woke him up. Look at where we are do you think they'd even believe him? They'd probably just give him another prescription, I know how much you humans love your drugs." The figure gave a small toothy smile. "Honestly, killing him? Sometimes I wonder which one of us is really the demon."

"What was I supposed to do? Everyone in the ward is probably awake by now. Why did you make him scream like that?" Samuel flicked the blood off his blade before sheathing it beneath a dark cloak, disappearing perfectly into the shadows. "I thought the point was that nobody knew we was here."

"Perhaps if you was better acquainted with the reach we wouldn't have these sort of... impotencies. At any rate 'tis easy all of it, before you killed him I did learn that he has the location in a journal. He hid it away before he ended up in his current predeath state."

"Well why didn't you say so sooner? We could have left by now." Samuel asked now grumpily.

"What and miss this next bit?" Said the demon whimsically.

"What do you mean?"

Suddenly the door flew open and a large orderly came bursting in. "Oh my god what did you do to him? How did you people get here this door is lo--yeeeeeow what in the hell is THAT thing?!" The man went sheet white at the sight of the demon and collapsed in a giant heap.

"I love it when they do that." Chuckled the demon as it slinked over to the orderly and rifled through his pockets, picking out his wallet. "I don't think you'll be needing this anymore."

Samuel motioned towards the demon and pulled a strange black lantern from beneath his cloak, illuminating the room in a dim purple glow. "If you're ready."

He opened the small window on the lantern, and the tiny purple flame began to spill out enveloping the two of them in a blaze. It burned brightly lighting up the entire hospital in an unearthly glow.

The orderly opened his eyes long enough to see a young man with an empty expression on his face, bathed in fire and two enormous red glowing eyes behind him staring menacingly downwards. Feeling their gaze shift towards him he lost consciousness again.

Samuel looked down at the little demon, nodded and suddenly the room was left once again dark and empty.






This is a repost of some of my previous writing from a different blog site.

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Father.Son.Part-time Robot

Writer's Curiosity
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