In Search of A Type of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

By Melina Mehr | Wonders of the World | 22 Nov 2021

In Search of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

We are going through these strange days and I may revisit these times someday in my memories and imagine that it was all like a long nightmare. A fact that can also be difficult to forget.

A few days ago, my sister informed me that she was running out of medication for asthma and that she needed a prescription refill.

As always, I went to the nearest pharmacy, which was very crowded, but they had run out of medicine. I went to three other pharmacies in a row, but I didn't find any medicine there either. I felt scared. The medicine that I always found easily, now there was no trace of it. I had heard that some drugs have become scarce in Iran due to the sanctions, and I had some similar troubles in the past but not this! I mean, these are simple and easy to find and not very crucial medicine!

I called my family in another town and told my cousin, who worked in a pharmacy. I was able to find a few sheets of pills, but it would have to take a few days for the medicine to arrive. On the other hand, I didn't want to tell my sister, the drug that her life was dependent on didn’t exist anymore for the time being!

In Search of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

I decided tomorrow morning, instead of going to the beach, as usual, to head to all pharmacies and find those pills eventually. A feeling of frustration weighed on my shoulders, but I ignored it.

In Search of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

The next morning, while the city was in a beautiful and energetic atmosphere, there was a wave of worry and despair in me. I searched four-five major pharmacies in the city to find medicine on foot. There was no sign of it and I had to leave the store as soon as I arrived.


I was almost disappointed. Until my eyes fell on a pharmacy sign in an alley. I decided to visit before returning. While I was waiting for the pharmacist to say no, he told me to wait.

He went back to the back of the store and brought me a single sheet of pills like it was nothing. I was so happy to see the pills that I forgot that I had to buy other medicines as well.

In Search of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

The sense of someone who has found a valuable treasure and the sense of heroism that has saved a human being. It may sound ridiculous, but the frustration and suffering were lifted from my shoulders, at least for a short time.

I mean, in these strange times, as we are experiencing new pains these days, we are facing unprecedented joys and hopes as well.

In Search of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

Anyway, I had just found that feeling of triumph and success and I grabbed it because these feelings are rare these days ...

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Melina Mehr
Melina Mehr

I'm a freelance writer, passionate about, music, books and nature.

Wonders of the World
Wonders of the World

Understandingly, If I start writing about a million times-heard boring stuff, there is always a chance no one reading my materials, so I try not to go down that road, but I feel like costumes, cuisine, and traditions I’m about to unveil are worth reading about. If you think about it, humanity is a very diverse concept wrapped around the same nature, dancing around the same instinctive fire, but oddly enough its exposed face is as varied as the droplets in the ocean, unbelievably diverse.

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