Wiz Drip 84. Sharpen Your Sword While You Juggle with Words

By Krisz Rokk | Wiz Drips | 8 Jan 2025

Communication. You help us connect with our innate intelligence while delivering messages and exchanging information without revealing the true nature of our spirit. The ideas we transfer between receptors based on your ubiquitous ground are crucial in this third-dimensional realm.

Your breathtaking capabilities enable us to conduct conversations and share ideas seamlessly, even when the transmission gets cut out. While telepathy is your preferred modality, we get stuck in base reality, allowing distortion to separate us and tear cultures apart.

How can we tap into your remarkable lineage and learn to articulate our wants, dreams, and wishes more clearly?

Train and develop your multifaceted faculties by reading, writing, and speaking to different crowds. Start small and continue to stack your courage whilst you grow and evolve. Tell stories, share your experiences, and build self-confidence as you embrace uniqueness.

Sending and receiving information happens automatically. Decoding and interpreting the data streams, the willingness to change perspectives, and jumping between boxes of various perceptions give your expression a memorable imprint.

Sharpen your sword while you juggle with words, beautiful soul.


💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎




Originally published on the Hive blockchain at @KriszRokk

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Krisz Rokk
Krisz Rokk

Entrepreneur at heart ❤️ Creative writer at soul 💎 I help you remember how powerful you are through poems and stories 💫

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