A Soldier Has Chosen: Homeland and Duty

I just finished watching Descendants of The Sun. Some of you may have watched it since it was released years ago. I stopped watching Korean Dramas before and I just started watching again last week. I first watched Descendants of the Sun and I must say it’s worth it. I have learned a lot on this drama and I’d love to mention it here, on this article, one by one.

As you can read on my title, it is quite catchy and is about loyalty to homeland, duty, and love. These are the three words that I can describe the lessons I got from watching it. A soldier, who is loyal to his homeland. A soldier who do not forget his duty. And a soldier who had love along the way. He chose the three: his loyalty to homeland, and fulfilling his duty.

I really admire how this Korean Drama portrayed the people who are always putting other’s safety first before their own. I remember the scene where the Captain or the Soldier was captured by US Military and he was being tortured while telling him to recite something or maybe a code for US Soldiers, and he kept of reciting his own rather than what he was told to recite. He remained loyal by enduring the torture instead of betraying his country and his comrades.

In military, there’s this saying “What you see, what you hear, when you leave, leave it here” and I really believed that too. But, it has been shown on this drama how this rule should be respected and followed. It is not just a simple rule but it really protects everything in military agendas. There are also rules and regulations in military where they keep secrets for safety and respect to the missions they are trying to complete successfully.

Being a soldier means taking an oath that you should always put the safety of your countrymen and country your priority. It is about giving yourself as a protector of the country. You protect it from terrorists and the people that will seem dangerous and will cause harm to the people. You are taking an oath about taking the risks of dying just to save others. This is scary, but is honorable to a person who really wanted to take this path of their journey.

In this Korean Drama, I saw how Captain Yoo Si Jin really stood to his promise and oath to his homeland. That he will protect it at all costs. That he will stay loyal to it. That he will always choose the things that will benefit his homeland and the people. That he is willing to catch hundred of bullets with his body if it means saving someone. That he will risk his life for others. He is a soldier that is worth the praise and compliments. Though soldiers really deserve appreciation especially those who remained loyal and really live upon what they have promised.

Without soldiers, peace won’t be possible. We should always be thankful to these people risking their lives so we could sleep well and peaceful at night. We should appreciate these people who are doing their job as our protectors as well. Appreciate them even if they are not as handsome as those soldiers in movies and Korean dramas. They deserve appreciation and know that some of them are doing their job at the best they can.

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