Corona COVID 19

Corona COVID 19

By Binod 49 | What Is Art ? | 8 Jan 2024

Corona kills many people. It takes the life of children, young and old people. Corona separates families and friends. In that time there was lock down we can’t walk outside from our room. We can’t meet with our friends. We can’t share our happiness to anyone. It becomes invisible enemy for us. Which comes and takes our life. We become terrified in that time. All want to save life. As well as all want to live happily in that time.

But what came unknown thing and destroy our life for forever. This Corona creates a history in our world by creating pandemic situations. No one could care and treat the disease. Only Scientists after sometimes create medicines and vaccines for it. So that virus is killed. And from that time we get a new life. We enjoy so much from this. But the family members who lost their members. There history is fresh.

Many people were dead because they had no money treat the disease. Many people doesn’t has any thing to save life from it. Everyone cries and sits at that time. Corona took our happiness for forever. Corona becomes our enemy. We don’t know how suddenly such disasters come and destroy our lives. We want to live but we can’t. Corona taught us a new things that we should not lose our hopes. We should never become afraid with obstacles.

In that time everyone calls God. Everyone needs love and help or a God. Everyone needs cooperation and human beings loved and helped each other so much. Corona is a life changing game which changes the settings of time and life. Our natural life becomes abnormal. There are traumas and there are sadness. The situation can’t be defined by few words. There were not sufficient medicines and foods.

Corona becomes our danger and we run away from it. But it becomes our shadows where ever we go. It hunts and killed us. It destroys our immune systems and gives death to our people. Corona is a challenge and our tests we had passed this test. In our future also we should pass many tests like that. We should learn many new things from such kinds of tests.

Corona you leave today us. But your wounds are inside our souls. It can’t be healed and cured. You create a immortal history. Corona you change the system and Universe by your fears. Now we all hope that you will never come back again in our life. If you will come in our life then we will take a defy and win you. Now from today we will be prepared for you. Corona you are dangerous and strange.









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Binod 49
Binod 49

Bio Binod Dawadi, the author of The Power of Words, is a master's degree holder in Major English. He has worked on more than 1000 anthologies published in various renowned magazines. His vision is to change society through knowledge.

What Is Art ?
What Is Art ?

Art is a process of writing, reading, painting or doing anything. That anyone has some are talent in speaking some are talent in painting. For everyone God has given some creative ideas and knowledge. Some learn by reading and writing. Everyone is different and their mind is different too. There are different kinds of arts which are inside of them. Some gets chance to explore the arts as well as get chance to create name and fame where as some doesn't get any chances. Artists can know about the art.

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