Work from home - something that you might be interested in.

By DimitarM | Welcome to my life | 2 Sep 2019

So guys, I received just now a job offer on my e-mail from one employer that I had previous interaction and to me it seems legit.

It's not crazy money, but some some regions might be more than enough for a month. I have full time job so I wouldn't take the opportunity, but some of you might be interested. If you want to try, please commend bellow the post and I will share the contacts:

Quick Offer, you can start now.
We are looking for new levelers for World of Warcraft Classic.
You can do the boosts yourself, or you can get us people who can do them (only serious people).

  • we pay 55-60% of the prices you see on our website "CLASSIC" section - Levelling;
  • if you refer a friend, you get 10€ once he completes his first order;
  • Becoming an expert on this can be a full time job that will make you 600/800€+ per month after you become an expert.
  • As you become an expert on this, we will always have services to provide you. We are like an infinite source of work for you once you want to do it within the years as this service will always be requested since the number of customers will always exceed the number of boosters.


  • You don't have to be a pro at World of Warcraft.
  • Is needed to have experiences on MMOs and taking a look at the guides before starting, so you have a clear idea.
  • We need people who can put themselves on this task and take it seriously.
  • We expect one leveling from level 1 to level 60 to be done in 2, max 3, in rare cases 4, weeks.
  • The first boost you do takes you 160-180h of playing to complete. It means about 7-8h/day of playing
  • We provide guides and tips on the best ways to do the leveling.
  • The first boost to 60 takes longer, but after the first, you are way quicker because you already know most of the things to do.
  • There are express/superexpress orders you could take. We would provide you then after your first order completed. They are paid more as they require you to play more.
  • You can't drop the service after you start it. If the payment doesn't motivate you, and this its too much hassle for you, don't bother applying/refer a friend without this very clear on his mind.

If you are interested or got a friend interested, please let us know ASAP, we can pass you orders from now. Currently, we need 200+ new boosters for this, and you can start anytime you want (we got orders for you even now).


I just want to be clear I will have no profit if they hire you or I do not benefit in any way from this.

I hope that helps someone.



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