Market took a dip and everyone is panicking. Top 5 coins I buy NOW.

By DimitarM | Welcome to my life | 18 Apr 2021

Looking at social media the correction on the crypto market we had in the last 24 hours causes panic everywhere. Those are mostly people that recently started investing in crypto. I am sure there are such people here so this article is for them. 

This is how the market works. Those kinds of dips are normal. You shouldn't be selling anything from your portfolio at this time. The only question you need to ask yourself now is: What should I buy now?

Here's my list.

1) Cardano (ADA) - currently sitting around 1.20 it will go back easy to 1.50.

2) Coin (CRO) - currently under 20 cents - I expect a price over 0.25 shortly.

3) Elrond (EGLD) - at around 175 USD I expect to see it very soon over 220.

4) Basic Attention Token (BAT) - currently at 1.20 - 1.50 is the new low for it.

5) Binance Coin (BNB) - at 450 now. I expect a price over 600 or even 700 by the end of April.

This is what I am buying now. What about you guys? Always interesting for me to hear different points of view.



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