Huobi wallet - another multi-functional wallet with cool features

By DimitarM | Welcome to my life | 15 Feb 2020

Hello guys,

I have Huobi Wallet for few months now but haven't been paying much attention to it due to the fact I was using another wallet that is both Desktop and mobile and that is more convenient for me. Anyway, recently I caught some tweets from Huobi announcing that they are already supporting staking for several prominent coins.

And for me this is a very important step in the right direction. Additionally I need to mention they have support for the humongous number of over 1000 cryptocurrencies. That includes ERC20 tokens, Tron tokens, EOS tokens, ONT tokens and multiple stable coins. It works both on Android and iOS. The cool part is that you are in control of your private keys, just like other non-custodial wallets and if needed you can just import your keys on different app - such as Metamask, Atomic Wallet, Coinomi and so on. Of course you can migrate the other way around too. You can switch to Huobi Wallet from any of the other options.

Currently the company is trying very hard to popularize their application and they are having different campaigns in Twitter, Reddit and so on.

I already got some free DOGE from them so I can guarantee you that they are legit.

The wallet itself is very easy to use. After you install the app on your device you need to have a place to write down the recovery phrase. You cannot make screenshot and you will need the phrase right on the next step so you really need to write it down. After that, you need to select which currencies you want to create wallets for. Which for me is very convenient feature so you don't end up with an list of 1000 options right away and have the need to search in it.


Additionally they have a pretty cool Dapp explorer with some nice options what you might enjoy. On the website there is a form where developers can apply with their Dapps to be featured in the wallet.


In general if you are in search for a secure wallet with some nice options Huobi should be one of the options you consider. It is protected by a secure passphrase, but additionally you can enable Touch ID for login or for transaction to feel even more secure.

At the markets tab in the wallet you can see the latest information about prices, volumes, charts and so on. So this can replace to some extent having to check Coinmarketcap all the time when you need to check such information. On the first page are shown your "favorites" which are the coins you have wallet for. If I have to be completely honest I do not think those should be related, but that is how they decided to go with this.

I hope you guys find this information useful! Enjoy.

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