abundance of money

How To Make Money Now?

By weblord | weblord | 4 Jan 2020

I stayed working online since 1995 and grabbing every opportunities once I was online to earn money online. My favorite way to earn money online is writing. So for that obvious reasons, I will make it last on my list.

1. Sell Your Stuff Online

You may search Google for free online shop that allows you to sell your stuff, things that you have right now but you're not using and you're willing to part with them online. They're just lying around the house and there's no functionality for them or no use at all. If you're willing to part with them in exchange for money. Sell them online by starting to use the free online shop first so there's no investment or capital at first. Search on Google "free online shop".

2. Do Online Surveys

If you are based in the United States of America, chances are companies nearby and in your location pays millions of dollars in exchange for opinions for products and services in order for them to perfect their product or at least remove faults on this products. This is the best way to get feedbacks from their products straight and first-hand source of information from the user themselves. Just search them via google or via bing to get you to them. Just search "online surveys" or "get paid for your opinions"

3. Participate In Online Contests

There are several online contests when you search them on google. The thing that most people hate when there's a contest is only one arose as winner. It gives us a quick and dirty exercise about what these contest requires but if you're online, it's easy to accomplish their contest given tasks. All you need to remove is procrastination and laziness on your part and develop and create a strong sense of desire to be rich and to make money. Being rich is the long term goal but first things first, you need to make money everyday.

4. Offerwalls And Get Paid To Websites

Spend a lot of deal to make money online by hunting for these offerwalls. Offerwalls are just pages where it contains some tasks for you to do online for example download an application and use it, watch videos for a pay, browse advertising pages and many more. These offerwalls earnings as individual are not that much but when combined altogether can lead into a very good sum of money. Instead of spending your time on social medias that will not pay you to like, offerwalls will pay you for the requested task from you and it will not fail because behind these offerwalls are huge companies with huge budget that allows them to pay people because in the first place their huge pool of advertisers are the ones paying you to do such tasks online. You will never ran out of offerwalls, because in my experience almost every month there is one born an offerwall ad network, meaning it's ran by solid advertising companies wanted to reach out to people cheaply.

5. Gift Cards

There are special websites that can give you gift cards instead of purchasing them in exchange for something to do online. These gift cards are money in themselves because they can buy specific things in shops they are created exclusively for. Amazon started paying in gift cards as well, shows us proof that these gift cards are money in themselves. Try searching google "free gift cards" and you will be overwhelmed with many websites that offer gift cards as payment for your online activities. It's great when going online and getting a sponsor like this just to buy your internet time and see them accumulating is another reward for you. These gift cards can purchase major products and major brands from major and huge companies out there.

6. Utilize Credit Card Points

You need to find out these credit card that offers rewards in every purchase you make and throw away those credit cards that don't offer these rewards. It's nice to purchase everything out from your pocket but what's nicer is to get these purchases back into your pocket or for self-improvement. These reward credit cards can be obtained online and most of them are willing to give you payments when you purchase using them in the form of points, cash back or in miles points that allows you to travel to everwhere you like with no money but by just accumulating miles points in your credit card. Who says people with no money can't travel? Well these people who have got an advantage of knowing these, do travel a lot and they're considered miles points hard core without us knowing them because they simply don't tell anyone. Try searching google or even youtube for words "reward credit cars online" and don't hesitate to use the power of the internet and directly apply online. Since most of the results that will come out will be in your vicinity, chances are they'll call you to get your credit card or what's more best and advantageous for you is they go to your place to provide the card. Most of these credit cards are customer hungry for people like you and they will do everything to provide you their credit card at no cost at all and with extra benefits, ask for their benefits, ask for this rewards and don't be shy.

7. Ask For A Raise

If you are somehow not yet owning a business online and if you're still employed, chances are you have accumulated certain work skill set that allows your boss to retain you in the company and that you have worked for him for years with no other sources of income coming from external jobs or even online. Now your boss can't live without your skill set, the more you work for him, the more you get wiser and wiser and your boss lazier and lazier since he always rely and depend on you. Now it's that perfect time if you qualify for this, do some extra things for your boss today and do some extra mile as they say and promply and in private ask him for a raise. There are bosses that are willing to give raise but they wait for it directly from the employee's mouth. Now's the time to ask for a raise. You will regret it if you don't ask for it. Don't be shy. Be bold. Enumerate the things that you have learned under his jurisdiction not the things you've done for it will appear work for him. He will appreciate it if you add that through his supervision you became a better man. This plan might work or not, but being bold and putting up a direct face to him makes you sincere and don't accept a no for an answer, but it might be I'll think about it is good enough.

8. Review Websites and Test Apps

It come for me both ways. If you know how to review websites, chances are you also know how to debug, test and use an application be it on Windows, Linux, Macintosh and Android. All it takes is boldness and determination to finish your reviews and feedbacks. All it takes is a lot of hard disk space and space for your android and you can review them in exchange for a pay. Just search on google "review websites for pay" and also "get paid to test apps" will present to you lots of websites that entertain those reviews for another website in exchange for displays for Adsense ads. It will save them lots of money rather than these bugs fall into the hands of their users and members, why not let them fall into your hands that you will need to report to them promptly so that you will get your own money or pay from them. It doesn't take much of your time. One site can be reviewed in two hours tops. Testing apps on the other side can gain you double benefits, chances are you will first benefit from using the app for free because you're testing them and yes the money they will pay to you for catching these bugs.

9. Referral or Affiliate Program

There are huge merchant websites that are desperate in getting sales so desperate that they are willing to share a percentage of what they earn from their sales to you it's either starting with a measly 2% share to a whooping 75% share of the sales for you alone to enjoy. The way to look at it is you have already an online business without the capital and yet you're selling high technology products will add to your amazement and appreciation of the power of affiliate programs. You will literally make money without money.

10. Claim From Bitcoin Faucets

Just search google about bitcoin faucets, by using this reward website just by visiting it, in time you have accumulated enough satoshis which is the cents of bitcoins. Bitcoin at time of this writing is about U.S.$6,000+ in 1 bitcoin. So you will progress much faster using this crypto currencies. I have one bitcoin faucet that will allow you to claim every 8 minutes from it, always do step 1. This bitcoin faucet website is called BitCoinWalls. Just search google about that and you'll end up on it.

11. Sell Domain Names And Web Hosting Accounts

You might want to earn serious money online and it's as easy as selling domain names and webhosting account. You might be thinking this is very difficult, I will provide you with a website to go with for free that you can promote online and offline since this will your own subdomain and promote it on facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest or even linkedin. You will be able to set your prices and earn a lot since this is selling to your friends and relatives. This is easy since the website itself will bill them automatically and earn you what I call automatic passive income from their monthly payments. Search for something like "white label webhosting" and check out the websites that come out as a result. You have the freedom to choose from them or choose my proposal website on my footer links.

12. Get Paid For All Your Activities

Getting paid via an app that can be installed on windows, IOS iPhone, Android that allows you to get paid 8 ways namely: 1. when you read news 2. when you play games 3. when you send sms 4. when you call someone 5. when you shop 6. when you use the swipe on your mobile phone. 7. when you chat 8. when you use the internet. Imagine all the things above-mentioned we are already doing but we're not getting paid for it, this time make it happen, realize your self-worth and get paid for the things you are doing for free before.

13. Play Bitcoin Games

Obviously at time of this writing 1 bitcoin is Seven thousand dollar plus U.S.$7,000 at time of writing this blog, it could get higher or it could get lower but the exciting part is about seven thousand times the dollar that we now know today and spend. It's bitcoin playing time, time to get paid via bitcoin not any currency but the highest and best cryptocurrency there is. You may see it on one of my footer links and click on BitCoin Games. The more you play, the more you earn bitcoins and the more you're active in playing the more bitcoin you earn as well and go invite your friends to play with you and earn even more by way of referral links that is already built-in in every games.

14. Paid To Write

Just search google and you'll see thousands of results of websites that are willing to pay you cold hard cash just to write and it is this platform's purposes to do just that. Isn't that exciting that we can earn every moment while we're online. I told you I will be making this last in the list since all of us are already here.

Important thing is to safety first in all your dealings, don't be scammed online that's why I provided a footer link, a forum that will protect you from scamming websites. Go out and check out all my footer links to get an advantage and benefit on all of these blogs. Someday you might earn a lot than what I earn online. Makes me more than happy to share some of my knowledges to you.

I'll be adding more entries to this post, so this is a growing post, make sure to come back to read some more.

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Answers the question how to make money? this is all about this blog, i blog my journey here as I make money online and offline.

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