Learn about SushiSwap & earn $1 SUSHI tokens - CoinMarketCap Earn quiz answers

By wantumeni | wantumeni | 22 Jul 2021

SushiSwap "Learn & Earn" Campaign will run from July 22nd to July 31st.


What is SushiSwap?

SushiSwap (SUSHI) is an example of an automated market maker (AMM), decentralized exchanges which use smart contracts to create markets for any given pair of tokens. SushiSwap launched in September 2020 as a fork of Uniswap. SushiSwap aims to diversify the AMM market and also add additional features not previously present on Uniswap, such as increased rewards for network participants via its in-house token, $SUSHI.

Before taking the quiz, make sure to learn about SushiSwap through the 4 lessons below. Even though I provide the answers, the whole purpose is to learn something new:


How to take the quiz?

Make sure to have a CoinMarketCap account and a Binance account (KYC verified) as you will need a Binance user ID to complete the quiz. The tokens will be dropped into your $SUSHI spot account. 

Once you're all set, you can now take the quiz to which you will find the answers below.

  • Sushi.com helps you take advantage of your idle cryptocurrency by providing tools that earn you ____?
  • What do you need to unlock the power of DeFi on Sushi.com?
    A wallet with cryptocurrency tokens in it!
  • All of the transaction fees earned by Sushi are paid to whom?
    The Sushi liquidity providers
  • If you want to provide liquidity to the SUSHI-WETH pair and have $100 in SUSHI tokens, what is the maximum amount of WETH you need?
  • What do you need to do first to become a yield farmer?
    Provide liquidity
  • How are you paid for being a farmer on Sushi?
    With SUSHI tokens
  • Becoming a farmer on Sushi has which benefits?
    All of the above
  • Did you start your new income stream by Adding Liquidity to Sushi?
    Yes / I will now
  • Add SushiSwap to your public watchlist and paste the URL
    (ex: https://coinmarketcap.com/watchlist/605f6a56c7173f644f765318/ )


If you successfully complete the quiz, you should receive the SUSHI tokens as a reward. Note that the rewards are limited so hurry up, first come first served! 

Thanks for reading.


Disclaimer: All information found on this article is for informational purposes only. I do not provide any personal investment advice so please make your own research before proceeding to any investment/trading actions.


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