REGRETFUL — I missed USD 5,000 airdrop from FORTH by only 1 day

By Kev HK | VoiceHK | 25 Apr 2021

On last Thursday (22 Apr 2021), Ampleforth launched an airdrop of their new governance coin, FORTH. 67% of the total supply of FORTH were airdropped to those who hold the AMPL tokens before March 31. On the same day, the new FORTH token is also listed on Coinbase. Many people holding FORTH have reported that they made US$3,000 to $5,000 because of this airdrop. Exchange wallet is also eligible for the airdrop. It was definitely one of the biggest airdrops we have seen so far in 2021.


When I heard about the news, I immediately think of my small balance of AMPL given by Public0x. I have started using Public0x since early March, and made my first AMPL withdrawal in late April. I could have made my withdrawal much earlier, but I only made the withdrawal when the balance built up a bit. And it turned out to be a very costly mistake. The AMPL was eventually deposited to my exchange wallet on April 1.

Yes, it was deposited to my wallet on April 1, and the airdrop was only for those with AMPL in their wallet before March 31.

I was 1 day late, and I missed one of the biggest airdrop worth a few thousand USD as a result!


Well.. that’s life. Don’t cry over spilled milk.


P.S.: This is my first post on Public0x. If you like what I write, you can visit my medium page for more articles. 

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Kev HK
Kev HK

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