Starring at the starrs

Starring at the stars

Wondering if your alright

Seems like it's going to be a cold night


Starring at the stars 

Trying to figure out where you are.

Bouncing from tragically to drug den


Starring at the stars 

Trying to find words you need to hear

Oh my pretty blue eyes dear


Starring at the sun

Wondering if your survived the night

did you have to use all your might?

When you woke was the sun bright?

When you awoke did you feel any more right?

One day I hope you can find the light.

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The Virtual Idealist
The Virtual Idealist

Hi, this is The Pursuit, its meant to be a fun entry point into the crypto world for me. I will be writing Poetry, Short Stories, NFT/Gaming articles, and more. I invite you all to come along with me for the ride and i thank you for the support .

LazyArt's Poetry
LazyArt's Poetry

This space will be used for daily poems

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