Heart of the Forest



Deep in the heart of a lush green forest Where the tall trees stand in majesty

The gentle breeze rustles the leaves and the sunlight filters through the canopy

The forest floor is soft and spongy with moss and ferns growing wild

The birds sing sweet melodies and the streams flow like a child

As I walk among these ancient giants, I feel a sense of peace and awe

The world outside melts away and my worries are no more

The forest reminds me of my place in this vast and wondrous world

It reminds me to be still and to be grateful for what is unfurled

So come and walk with me Through this beautiful and serene space

And let the forest fill you with a sense of gratitude and grace.

The forest is a symphony of colors, scents, and sounds

A canvas painted by nature with every leaf and tree around

The rustling leaves a gentle lullaby The babbling brook a soothing tone

The dappled light a gentle touch the forest is where I am known

The forest is a secret garden A sanctuary from the rush of time

Where I can breathe, relax, and be and feel my soul begin to climb

The forest is a teacher Showing me the way to live

To be strong yet flexible to give and to forgive

The forest is a treasure A gift for us to share

So come and explore with me and let the forest take you there

So let us tread lightly and listen closely,

For the Forest is speaking and its whispering is grandly and holy Come,

take a stroll, feel your feet sinking into the moss,

let your heart sync with the forest's beating,

As it's inviting you to be a part of its fleeting.


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The Virtual Idealist
The Virtual Idealist

Hi, this is The Pursuit, its meant to be a fun entry point into the crypto world for me. I will be writing Poetry, Short Stories, NFT/Gaming articles, and more. I invite you all to come along with me for the ride and i thank you for the support .

LazyArt's Poetry
LazyArt's Poetry

This space will be used for daily poems

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