🚆 For Russian authorities, the only concern is oil

By valerianis | Valerian Kadyshev | 28 Jul 2022

You heard many times that safety is everybody's job. But in Russia this saying has a completely different meaning.


Russian Railways have seen a huge spike in the number of derailments and accidents over the last few years.

One thing that caught our attention is the safety of railroads in Russia. It doesn't seem like they're too concerned about protecting passengers, and they're more focused on the cargo they carry.

They don't even have viaducts or tunnels on quite many stations. People have to crawl under the cars and between the wheel pairs--watch this video how!

The photograph, video, and all the text are my own. Copyright (C) 2022 Valerian Kadyshev.

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From a heart of the vodka-land.

Valerian Kadyshev
Valerian Kadyshev

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