PipeFlare CoinMarketCap Mystery Loot Box

PipeFlare/CMC Loot Box - worth it?

By Uncryptic | Uncryptic Crypto | 12 Apr 2024

As a a PipeFlare and CoinMarketCap user, I'm pleased these two platforms have joined together in a "strategic partnership". The first tangible result of this is a mystery loot box that you can pick up on CoinMarketCap then open on PipeFlare:

PipeFlare CoinMarketCap loot box

That's exactly what I did this morning. I won't go into the process of redeeming the loot box as it's fairly self-evident, but I thought it would be useful to share what my particular box contained.

If you're on the fence about grabbing one yourself, knowing what mine contained might help you make up your mind. Although the contents of each box are different, it's a good indication of what you might expect to get.

So, in exchange for 500 CoinMarketCap Diamonds (CMC's free token), I picked up a loot box containing:

  • 20,000 2FLR
  • 2 Gems
  • 5 Aurora Premium Spin
  • 2 Free Classic Spin
  • 2 Small Red Potion
  • 3 Gold Ingots

If you've opened a box and are wondering how to see what it contained, go to My Account > My History in PipeFlare and then select the CMC Loot Box tab:

CMC Loot Box in PipeFlare history

The 2FLR, Gems, potions and gold are all gaming tokens with no value outside of PipeFlare. The spins, however, are more interesting because they give you a chance to win real crypto with a monetary value (rather than just gaming tokens).

My two free Classic Spins netted me:

  • 1 gem
  • 1,000 2FLR

And my five Aurora Premium Spins netted me:

  • 0.1 AURORA
  • 0.1 AURORA
  • 0.1 AURORA
  • 5 gems
  • 20,000 2FLR

The interesting one there is AURORA - the governance token of Aurora, an Ethereum-compatible scaling solution built on the NEAR Protocol. Here's the current value:

OK, so 0.3 AURORA is only worth $0.09 at current prices - but it's mine, it's sitting in a non-custodial wallet (Aurora Pass), and I can do whatever I like with it.

Also, if you're luckier than me, you could win a lot more AURORA with your Premium Spins - up to 650 per spin:

Premium Spin Wheel on PipeFlare

So yes, I'd say the PipeFlare/CMC Loot Box is worth it - if only for the chance to get your hands on some free AURORA.

And if you aren't a PipeFlare user already, you're welcome to use my referral link which I think nets you a free loot box (in addition to the one you can get on CoinMarketCap) and a mystery egg: https://www.pipeflare.io/r/40ql/cmc-lootbox

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