Tutorial: How to start Folding@home and earn some BAN for beginner.

By udincc | udin.cc | 24 Sep 2021

Hi, I just started folding at home a few days ago, and here is my beginner tutorial if you wanna do it too.


A. Get a new wallet

1. Open BananoVault

Create New Wallet on BananoVault - udinxyz

2. Go to Configure New Wallet ( Click [Settings] and then click [Configure New Wallet] )

3. Create Wallet by clicking the [CREATE NEW WALLET] button, and then click the [CREATE WALLET] button.

4. Then, copy your Banano Seed and Mnemonic Phrase, and save securely. After that, click the [I'VE SAVED MY SEED/MNEMONIC] button.

Secure your seed and mnemonic phrase from BananoVault - udinxyz 

5. To avoid accidentally doing something bad to your wallet, set a new wallet password, and then click [SET WALLET PASSWORD]

Set your password on BananoVault - udinxyz

6. That's it, now you have a new BANANO Wallet. Now, let see your address.

7. To see your address, click the [Accounts] button (on the left), now copy your new account address by selecting and copying the account, or bysimply click the [COPY] icon.

Get your new address on BananoVault - udinxyz



B. Get your folding name

1. Open BananoMiner

2. Enter your banano address (inside the input box), and then click the [Start Now] button.

Bananominer - get your name - udinxyz


3. You will see something like this, please copy the name and team number or keep the bananominer's tab open. for the next step, you can click the [Start Folding!] button, or open it manually. Foldingathome - udinxyz


B. Install and Setup Folding@home

1. Go to Folding@home download page, and then download the compatible installer.

Foldingathome - download - udinxyz

2. While waiting for the download to finished, you should get a folding@home passkey (it increase the points you can earn). To get it, please visit Get a Folding@home Passkey. You just have to enter your name (preferably the name from bananominer), email address, and then click the [Get a Passkey] button.

                                                                                                      get passkey - Foldingathome - udinxyz


3. After you finish the download and installation, you might automatically be redirected to this page. If the homepage stuck at this page, you can click the [Try Connection directly] link.      

Foldingathome - webclient - udinxyz


4. Now you will see this startup page (from local IP like:,

Start foldingathome

5. Now, select "Set up an identity" and click the [Start Folding] button

6. Enter your identity (name and team number from bananominer, and passkey from folding@home). After that, click the [Save] button.

Set up identify - foldingathome - udinxyz

7. Now, you are ready to Start Folding. Simply click the [Start Folding] button.

Ready to fold - udinxyz


C. Check your folding status

1. Visit Monkeytomonkey , and then click the [F@H Stats] link on the middle.monkey2monkey homepage - udinxyz

2. On this page, enter your name and click the [LOAD] button..

monkey2monkey F@H stat- udinxyz

3. That's it,, 


Hope you can find it useful.

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